Untitled Document

There will be resident lectures during IBNC 2013. Best lecture will be selected by the audience.

Please be a candidate for giving a lecture.

Choose your topic and be the winner!

Here is the topics;
Resident Lecture 1: Familial tumor syndromes
Resident Lecture 2: Pontocerebellar and petroclival region tumours: classification and pathology
Resident Lecture 3: Treatment of brain edema
Resident Lecture 4: Orbita tumors

Session : 16
Date : March 19, 2013
Time : 08:00 – 09:00

Conditions for Giving a Lecture at IBNC 2013

  • Please specify one of the topics that you would like to address.
  • It is compulsory to use the mentioned draft template at the presentations.
  • Kindly note that the duration of the lecture is 10 minutes. It is highly advised to care of the presentation time .
  • The presentation should be sent via e-mail. Please kindly click on the related topic in order to e-mail the document.
  • The deadline for submitting the presentation to the endorsement of the scientific committee is January 7, 2013. Please kindly note that the applications done after January 7, 2013, will not be accepted.
  • The notification of acceptance letters will be send to the applicants on January 21, 2013.

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