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It is our greatest pleasure to invite you all to IBNC Term 2, Course 2 to be held in Antalya, Belek between the 15 and 19 March, 2017. Since the first years of the IBNC, with its increasing number of attendees and popularity among similar educational neurosurgical courses, it has been showing increasing scientific quality. As it is known, Term I courses ended up with the 2015 April Course. Last year we have started a new term . This year our Main topic is”NEUROONCOLOGY”. We invite you to the course which has many young neurosurgeons participating from all over the world and which has a rising success and interest every year. The content of the course will be grossly the same as every year: interactive discussions, case discussions, interactive questions, and hands on practical courses and student lecture. Turkısh Neurosurgical Society offers scholarships for young neurosurgeons especially from developing countries. These scholarships include registration, accomodation and social event fees. We would also invite young neurosurgeons to apply for scholarships. I would like to urge all young neurosurgeons and neurosurgery residents to apply for the IBNC 2017 Scholarship.
Turkısh Neurosurgical Society (TNS) and World Federation of Neurosurgery also support the IBNC by providing volunteer lecturers.
We cordially invite you to take part in the most exciting, scientific and innovative event in basic neurosurgical education.
Best Wishes

Prof. Dr. Tanju Uçar
President of the International Basic Neurosurgery Course,
Members of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society Executive Committe, |

Prof. Dr. Ali M. Kafadar
Vice President of International Basic Neurosurgery Course |